WordPress 台中小聚 #25

每月一次的 WordPress 台中週末小聚又來啦!不管你是想要學習新知,尋求解答,或是認識新朋友,都歡迎你一起來參加,尋找各種可能性!


[English below]
活動日期&時間:2020/10/25 (日) 14:00 ~ 18:00
活動地點:Monospace (台中市西區臺灣大道二段2號16F-2)
活動費用:NTD $100/人


1️⃣ 14:00 ~ 14:10 報到
2️⃣ 14:10 ~ 14:20 活動簡介
3️⃣ 14:20 ~ 16:00 🎤主題分享

To Do or Not to Do? 用 WordPress 驗證你的商業點子 - 王昱程

隨著各種網路工具和服務的推出,過去讓人遙不可及的創業夢,似乎變得不再是那麼遙遠。現在你可以用各種工具或服務,快速地打造出自己的網站或是線上服務,甚至是一個電商網站開始販售你的產品。你可能有好幾個想法想要去執行,那麼究竟我要挑選哪一個開始呢?又或者這個想法是否真的值得我去執行?這次的小聚我會跟你分享一些我個人的經驗,以及你可以用 WordPress 如何快速開始驗證你的想法。

4️⃣ 16:00 ~16:30 ⚡️閃電秀歡迎報名,每人7分鐘分享/3分鐘Q&A
5️⃣ 16:30~ 自我介紹/交流時間

🙌 歡迎帶著自己的問題或是想要分享的內容來一同交流!


🔵本次場地由 Monospace 以在地社群贊助方案支持
🔵參加者需在入口處繳交 $100 元場地費後進場,現場備有咖啡與沖泡茶品,歡迎自帶水壺響應環保!
🔵為鼓勵主題分享,主題分享者可免交場地費(不含閃電秀講者),報名網址 https://www.surveycake.com/s/MQlva

Once a month, WordPress Taichung meetup is coming! Whether you want to learn something new, find solutions, or meet new friends, welcome to join us and explore the opportunities here!

Find out what we have shared and discussed! The contents in slides or video format of the previous meetups are here in the WordPress Taiwan meetups site as the following link:

Save the date: 2020/10/25 (Sun.) 14:00 ~ 18:00
Where: Monospace ( 16F-2, No.2 Taiwan Boulevard Section 2, West District, Taichung City, 403, Taiwan )
Entrance Fee: NTD$100/ 1 person
Speaking: Mandarin (English is welcome!)

1️⃣ 14:00 ~ 14:10 Call to order and welcome
2️⃣ 14:10 ~ 14:20 Brief introduction
3️⃣ 14:20 ~ 16:00 🎤Topic sharing (Welcome to be a Speaker)
4️⃣ 16:00 ~16:30 ⚡️Lighting Talk; 7 min for each talk and 3 min QnA (Welcome to be a Lighting Talker)
5️⃣ 16:30~ Self-introduction/ Idea exchanging

🙌 Join us with your ideas or questions, let’s share and discuss it!

🔵The place is sponsored by Monospace through the local community program.
🔵Participants pay NTD$100 in the reception and come inside the room directly. We provide free coffee and tea. Highly suggest everyone bring own bottle to be environmentally friendly.
🔵The event fee is for the place rental and maintenance, but not be used to pay speakers or organizers. The event hosts and speakers are volunteers.
🔵To encourage the attendees to stand on the stage, the event fee NTD$100 is free for the topic sharing(full length presentation) speaker(not including the lighting talk speakers). Sign up your name to be a speaker in the following link;

Special thanks to the venue sponsor: Monospace

Monospace / 403台中市西區台灣大道二段二號16F-2

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price
免費票,但須現場支付 100 元場地費

~ 2020/10/25 18:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
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